Friday, June 6, 2014

Packin' on the Pounds!

We've enjoyed the last few days with Landon's steady progress.  He definitely has some spunk as he is very active - he often tries to pull out the feeding tube and the respiratory tube.  He kicks and throws his arms around and his cry resembles the sheep in our backyard when they 'baa'.

Over the last few days Landon has made great progress with his oxygen as they have been reducing the amount of pressure he needs through the respiratory tube.  We are hoping he will be strong enough to come off of the tube over the next week or two.   His feedings are continuing to improve as well as his sugar levels are more steady on his own; therefore he does not need to system monitoring to control how long his feedings last.  A huge milestone that just took place today is Landon's weight - he is slowing packin' on the pounds!  He now weighs 3 pounds, which is above his original birth weight!  His daily goals at the hospital have been to continue to grow and to stay off of the jaundice lights (which he has been able to achieve over the last two days, too).  He is making remarkable progress and is making us proud every day!

With the progress continuing throughout the week, it has allowed me to slowly build excitement for the baby shower taking place tomorrow.  My mom and sister, Lauren, arrived last night and my sister, Liz, flew in from Cali this morning.  It is nice to have them visiting us for the preparation of the party and of course their company too!  My mom and I started with some cleaning last night and today they have been busy with prepping the decorations, outdoor tent/tables/chairs, and getting the food set up.  They have been doing a fabulous job and everything is looking great!

I've never been to a baby shower when the mom wasn't pregnant anymore, but I guess we will march to the beat of our own drums.  It will be exciting regardless because now we can show him off with the pictures that we have of him already and to celebrate his early arrival!

Landon had another new visitor today as he met his Aunt Liz for the first time!  She was able to sit beside me during our kangaroo time.  And towards the end of our visit Landon was so curious and was peeking at everything - its always so exciting to see him with his eyes open.  His eyes were open the widest we have seen them so far and he kept them open for a long time as well.  It was so hard to leave his side with him being as alert as he was!

Welp, better get back to some house work for the party tomorrow... I am looking forward to seeing everyone and having a beautiful day!

Our handsome little guy checking us out today!  We think his eyes resemble mine, but are still not certain what color they are - green or blue for sure!

The sign says it all! :)

1 comment:

  1. Leighann, I am so happy to see Landon growing and doing well. I wish you an amazing showering of love from your family and friends who are all in your corner. This is such a special time you will share with other Mom's in similar situations, and even find a common bond with others who have shared these times with their loved ones. I had my shower a couple of weeks after Ian came into my life, with our amazing adoption. He was actually at the shower for a little bit. Sometimes the most amazing things come out of scary stuff and you just look around you and realize that this is "Family". Its the stuff that you don't expect that makes life worth living. Enjoy your shower and hugs to little Landon~
