Healthy at Home

Lance and I attended a "Baby Care Basics" class at the hospital to help us prepare for our upcoming journey as full-time parents once Landon makes his way home.  We wanted to share one of the pamphlets we received with you as it explains some helpful tips for any future visitor at the house.  While we are so excited to introduce Landon to everyone, we hope you understand that your visits may take time and that there may be some specific restrictions during his first few months home.  Our intention is certainly not to offend anyone, but to keep Landon healthy and happy here at home where he belongs!

This letter below was provided as an example that was created by a graduated NICU family who had shared this letter with their families before bringing their baby home - we found it to be extremely helpful and we hope you do too! :)

Zoe's House Rules

To my friends and relatives:

Because I was so premature when I was born my immune system did not get a chance to develop and is not fully mature just yet.  So there are a few things everyone can do to make sure that I don't get sick, especially during my first year.  It is very important because now that I am home, I don't want to go back to the hospital, and a simple cold could do just that!  I need to get through the first 3 months and then the cold and RSV season without getting sick, so I won't really be up for too many visitors until next spring.  If you do visit, please help me by following these rules:
  • Please don't visit me if you have a cold, virus or infection, fever, diarrhea, cold sore or fever blister, feel just plain lousy or run down, or have been exposed to someone else who is sick recently.
  • Please wash your hands upon entering the house and also before touching me each time, if you've touched anything else in the meantime.
  • Please keep your face a few feet away from mine.  Germs spread through the air when people speak to me too closely.
  • Please refrain from touching me if possible, but if you just can't resist me, then touch me on my feet or on the top of my head, but not my hands or face.  Kissing the top of my head or my cute toes and holding me is reserved for mommy and daddy and special time with the grandparents.
  • Unfortunately I can't meet other children until next spring when the cold, flu and RSV season is over.  I also can only be around 2 healthy adults other than mommy and daddy at a time.
Sorry for all the rules, but mommy and daddy are very strict!  They tell me it's because they love me so much, and that you all won't mind because you all love me too!


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